Why Is Cialis So Popular? How It Works and Where to Buy

The market is full of different medications for erectile dysfunction, and one of the most widespread and demanded products is Cialis. Being present online for a few years it has become a real hit among users all over the world. If you want to be the next user gaining benefits from this product, you need to figure out an appropriate variant of medication. Let’s find out what the difference between various Cialis types is, and which one can be tailored for you.

Why Cialis?

While Viagra and Levitra tend to give a rapid and relatively short effect (erection is sustained within 8 hours approximately), Cialis gives more long-lasting results: it helps to maintain hard-rock erection within 36 hours. Tadalafil, the active component of Cialis, has a more spare effect on human body and its half-life is longer. Therefore, it can be used both prior to sexual intercourse only, or on a daily basis to treat the symptoms of impotence and even prevent prostate tumors and diseases.

How does Cialis work?

Tadalafil contained in Cialis blocks PDE5 inhibitors that control blood supply of penile tissues and keep muscles tense. As the result, penis muscles relax, and increased blood flow promotes easier and stronger erection. Cialis has the following effects:

  • boosts blood supply of muscles;
  • improves duration and hardness of erection making it possible to prolong sexual act for as long as needed;
  • makes it easier to achieve intense orgasm;
  • contributes to a better control over erection;
  • prevents development of prostate diseases.

Note that Cialis doesn’t cause sudden erections – sexual arousal and stimulation are required to achieve it.

Where to Buy Generic Cialis?

Navigating the online world for Cialis can feel like you’re walking through a digital maze. But don’t worry, there are signposts along the way to guide you to the right destination. Sometimes, manufacturers offer special promotions or discounts, so keep an eye out for those deals. But what if you’re the kind of person who likes a bit of hand-holding through the process? There are online services that offer a full package deal: consultation, prescription, and delivery. It’s like having a concierge service for your meds.

Now, let’s say you’re the adventurous type, willing to explore international options. Some Canadian or European online pharmacies offer Cialis at competitive prices. Just be cautious and make sure they comply with regulations and require a prescription. You don’t want to end up with counterfeit meds that sailed across the ocean. And for those who are all about supporting local businesses, guess what? Your neighborhood pharmacy probably has an online service. You can buy Cialis online and either have it delivered or pick it up yourself. It’s like ordering takeout, but for medication. Remember, the key to a successful online Cialis shopping experience is research. Don’t just click on the first link that pops up in your search engine. And whatever you do, make sure you’ve got a legit prescription. No prescription often means no credibility.

Side Effects of Cialis

In fact, all Cialis types have the same side effects as they all contain Tadalafil. However, the intensity of these outcomes is different in all cases. General side effects include:

  1. Nausea, vomiting, unpleasant sensations in stomach.
  2. Headache or weakness.
  3. Sore muscles.
  4. Pain in back and shoulders.
  5. Low blood pressure.

Besides, Tadalafil can cause the same side effects as Sildenafil: loss of vision or hearing, or problems with both. This effect is temporary, but if you experience it, you need to cease intake of Cialis and search for some alternative. One of the most dangerous side effects is priapism – strong erection that lasts for more than 4 hours and doesn’t subside. In this case, a man should seek immediate medical help, because this condition can lead to irreversible damage of penile tissues and vessels.

Getting Maximum Benefit: How to Use Cialis?

If you want to reap all possible benefits of Cialis without serious side effects and complications, you should follow some simple rules.

First, take usual Cialis and strong forms of Cialis with a glass of water, or foods. This way, you will protect your stomach from irritation and improve absorption of medication into blood. Secondly, you need to figure out a correct dose of Tadalafil – only your doctor can do that, but you should keep tabs on your well-being and effect, because it’s always individual. If you don’t experience satisfying erection, you may need a higher dosage. But if side effects are too harsh while erection is good, a lower dosage may be suitable.

To sum it up, Cialis is one of the most advanced ED treatment options today. There are different types of medication, which makes it versatile: you can easily figure out an appropriate variant according to your age, health and level of sexual activity.

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