Viagra Professional: Important Information and Differences

Viagra Professional (VP) is a generic type whose formula is designed for a more impactful action. The drug is intended to recover erectile ability in individuals with full erectile dysfunction (ED) and other complicated forms of this condition, as well as in individuals with inadequate response to lower doses of sildenafil. This makes VP a drug of choice for patients with severe ED problems, as well as those seeking more impactfulness from their ED therapy.

Sildenafil is the most famous and most commonly used drug to cure erectile dysfunction disorders, that is, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection suitable for satisfying sexual activity. For sildenafil to work, sexual stimulation is also needed, otherwise its intake would be useless. The physiological process responsible for penile erection includes the release of a certain amount of nitrogen oxide (NO) in the cavernous body during any sexual stimulation. Nitrogen oxide, in turn, activates an enzyme called guanil-cyclase which causes increased levels of guanosine cyclic monophosphate (cGMP), producing relaxation of the smooth musculature of the cavernous body and thus allowing the blood supply to the penis.

Does It Work?

For us to understand better the efficacy of Viagra Professional 100mg, let’s recall that the male sexual organ has the function of eliminating urine and sperm. When the man receives sexual stimulation, his penis naturally responds to the process which is the erection, followed by ejaculation. However, men with difficulties, although they feel desire and desire, simply cannot achieve sufficient penile rigidity. The organ does not get enough blood pressure and therefore the erection does not happen or does not stay for the expected time. And that’s when Sildenafil Professional plays its role of helping.

Of course, if you are already experiencing a sexual dysfunction problem, it is important to seek help to understand the right dose of Viagra and when the medicine is needed, only a specialist can guide. But improving lifestyle and adhering to a healthier routine is a great step to eliminate the possibility of sexual dysfunction or at least slow it down. A good start would be in points like eating healthier, choosing fruits, vegetables and greens; practice of physical activities and control of alcohol and cigarette consumption, which are great aggressors to their sexual performance.

Read This Before Use

Before starting treatment with Viagra Professional, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and a thorough medical examination to correctly diagnose possible erectile dysfunction and determine the possible physiological and psychological causes that may be the basis of the disease. In addition, medical findings on cardiovascular conditions should be performed on patients who intend to begin treatment of erectile dysfunction with sildenafil, also because there is a risk percentage of cardiac events associated with sexual activity. Therefore, before prescribing Viagra Professional to patients with certain cardiovascular conditions, doctors should ensure that the vasodilatator effects of the drug do not have a negative impact on the health of the patients themselves.

Another experience confirming the theory that sexual activity may act as a negative and worse factor on a person’s cardiovascular condition was the marketing phase of sildenafil (Viagra Professional) during which they were reported in association with all taking the drug with serious side effects on the cardiovascular system. Another unclear experience, which occurred during the marketing of sildenafil, is related to severe cardiovascular events associated with drug use. Cardiovascular events such as intermittent angina pectoris, ventricular arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular haemorrhage, transient ischemic attack and hypertension have been reported in patients taking sildenafil. It should be noted that most of these patients were already suffering from a compromised cardiovascular condition. Many of these events occurred during sexual activity or in any case immediately after the sexual act, confirming that the sexual factor may have a deteriorating effect on cardiovascular conditions. In some cases, however, these side effects occurred immediately after taking sildenafil in the absence of sexual activity. Therefore, it is not yet very clear whether these cardiovascular events are directly related to the aforementioned factors or not.

Some in vitro studies conducted on human platelets show that sildenafil increases the platelet anti-aggregate effect of nitroprussium sodium; therefore, sildenafil administration in patients suffering from haemorrhagic disorders should be given particular caution and only after appropriate medical assessments on the risk-benefit relationship for the patient.

It is also recommended to pay close attention when administering sildenafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients suffering from anatomic deformations of the penis, such as cavernous fibrosis or angulation, and also in patients with pathologies that can predispose them to priapism as such as sickle cell anemia.

Differences of Viagra Professional and Viagra Super Active

Viagra Professional and Viagra Super Active are two potency drugs with Sildenafil for the main active ingredient. The two of them are actually so similar in their effects, administration, safety rules, side events and even the fact that they both have an elevated dosage of Sildenafil.

To this end we have to comment that the main difference between the two preparations is dose diversification. For Viagra Professional, doses of sildenafil 50mg and sildenafil 100mg are available.

In case of sildenafil content in the latter, the doses of Viagra Super Active 25 mg to 150mg are available. Easton Pharmaceuticals urges caution in the use of sildenafil doses 100mg and higher. Healthcare professional opinion should be asked prior to the use of any drug containing such doses.

  • The tablet of Viagra Professional is blue and diamond-shaped, with Viagra Pro 50mg imprinted on its side.
  • Viagra Super Active tablets have oval shape and bright navy-blue color with the capital V stamped on them.

Side Effects and Important Info

Every drug ever invented can cause adverse events alongside with providing health benefits, although no side effects were experienced by the majority of individuals using Viagra Professional. However, if you experience one or several symptoms referred to in paragraphs below, or if they become persistent or bothersome, it is recommended that you see your doctor or pharmacist.

The most often reported side event of Viagra Professional is headache occurring in roughly 16% of patients taking the drug, and is attributed to the moderate blood tension lowering of sildenafil. Another commonly undesirable effect after taking sildenafil is facial redness accompanied by hot flashes, occurring in approximately 10% of patients using the drug; this adverse event is also attributed to the slight antihypertensive effect of sildenafil.

Less commonly occurring side effects that can occur after the intake of sildenafil are related to:

  • cardiocirculatory system: pain in the chest, fainting, irregular heartbeat, lowered blood pressure, cerebral thrombosis and electrocardiogram changes;
  • gastrointestinal system: retroperistalsis, difficulty swallowing, stomach problems, stomatitis, dryness of the mouth mucosa, rectal bleeding.
  • nervous system: muscle pain, increased sensitivity, trembling of limbs, lightheadedness, sleep disorders, ataxia
  • respiratory system: difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, respiratory tract infections and coughing.
  • integumentary system: urticaria, herpes simplex, itching, excess sweating, contact dermatitis and exfoliating dermatitis.