Cenforce 100 (PDE5 Inhibitor, Sildenafil)

Cenforce provides a fast and lasting relief from the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Taken before sexual activity, Cenforce restores the natural erectile mechanism, boosts stamina and virility, and shortens the time needed for sexual recharging.

Class and Mechanism of Action

The main component in Cenforce is sildenafil. How does this substance act in the body? Cenforce gives a powerful boost to the blood circulation in the penis. This effect is achieved thanks to inhibition of PDE5 – the enzyme that interferes with the healthy erections.

Cenforce promotes a natural erectile mechanism. The major benefit of the drug is that when the pill of sildenafil is taken, you will be able to develop erection in response to sexual arousal in a perfectly natural way. The use of the medication it discreet and safe.

Method of Use

Cenforce is used in men with erectile dysfunction; it restores the ability to achieve and maintain erections. Sildenafil is not be used to boost libido, although many believe that Cenforce can be an aphrodisiac. The pills are taken as needed, and take approximately 1 hour to reach their maximal efficacy, so plan accordingly.

The following rules apply:

  • Take the tablet with a glass of water
  • Do not follow with heavy meals for the best results
  • Do not combine with alcohol to avoid severe side effects
  • Do not take with grapefruit or grapefruit juice
  • Wait for 60 minutes for the best effects

Do not use Cenforce without discussing the drug’s contraindications with your doctor first.

In form of a tablet Cenforce starts producing its medicinal effect 60 minutes after administration. Sildenafil contained in the drug boosts the blood circulation in the genitals, and the smooth muscles in the penis relax, absorbing maximal amount of blood. Thus a hard and controllable erection is formed every time a man is sexually stimulated. Here the erection means maximal absorption of the blood in the penis, which is the natural mechanism.

Take a tablet Cenforce before engaging in sexual activity; follow with a glass of water. Do not combine the drug with other medications unless approved by a doctor. Do not take the drug with large amounts of alcohol, and avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice.

Cenforce effect duration: how long does the drug last?

The effects of Cenforce last for 4 hours on average, but some patients report that they continue to experience the benefits of sildenafil 8 hours after the onset of its action.

Ask us any questions associated with use of this drug, or the availability in online drugstores. We remind you that Cenforce a regular pharmacy offers has a considerably higher price, this is why our consultants are trained to help you find cheaper generic Cenforce only a click away.

What if Cenforce 100 doesn’t work?

Sometimes, Cenforce (or other erection medications) does not work. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is simply a matter of readjusting the prescribed dose or reminding us of how these drugs work: duration and effect of Cenforce, how long to take it before sex, at the start or middle of a meal, etc. In any case, you will need to see a doctor to determine the possible causes and readjust your treatment or how to take it.

  • First, let’s underline the fact that erection drugs have a particularity: the way in which they are used will determine their success or failure. In 50% of cases, it is in fact a “false failure”. Among these failures, we often find as causes:
  • Late intake of the drug. For example, 10 or 15 minutes before intercourse, which is usually not enough. We must therefore respect the deadlines.
  • An insufficient dose of the drug
  • Taking Cenforce requires an empty stomach (for example, not taking it in the middle of a meal)
  • Scheduling intercourse can cut off arousal
  • Finally, various psychological causes; or a lack of excitement, desire, etc.

Remember, too, that to talk about treatment failure, you must have taken it at least 5 times, without it working.

What to remember about Cenforce 100

For safety reasons, it is important to have a medical prescription and follow your doctor’s advice before taking Cenforce. In addition, do not hesitate to give full details of your condition to your doctor: your history, the medications you are taking. Avoid hasty solutions on the internet and the scams that proliferate; it is essential to consult a specialist and to avoid self-medication.

Side effects

The use of any drug can cause side effects that differ in nature and intensity from one patient to another, and Cenforce is not an exception. The side effects of Cenforce can be mild and transient. Such side effects of Cenforce as the following may occur:

  • Headache
  • Redness of the face
  • Rhinitis or sinusitis
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

Are you concerned about the side effects of Cenforce that would not go away or feel bothersome? Talk to your doctor about changing the dose, or try taking the pill on a full stomach.

Some serious side effects may occur in less than 1% of users, and those need to be immediately helped by a doctor:

  • cardiac symptoms (irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, pain in the chest or arm)
  • severe allergic reaction (swelling of the face)
  • abnormally lasting or painful erections (Priapism)

Note: Simultaneous intake of Cenforce with large amounts of alcohol can provoke severe side effects.


Sildenafil is contraindicated if sexual intercourse itself is not recommended, which is usually the case if you have a weak heart, angina pectoris or heart rhythm disturbances.

  • Doubt about the presence of a cardiovascular risk

If your doctor is in doubt about the presence of an invisible cardiovascular risk, he or she will not prescribe sildenafil or similar drugs. You will need to undergo a check-up to confirm or not a potential risk (just like a medical certificate before playing sports). Likewise if a cardiological or neurological event has happened recently: you have to wait 6 months of stability before being able to take sildenafil.

  • Contraindication in severe liver and kidney disease

This contraindication is common to all medicines because these two organs participate in the elimination of products from our body.

  • Contraindication in case of eye problems

In the event of a history of loss of sight (in one or both eyes) linked to an optic nerve disease or “retinitis pigmentosa”, sildenafil is contraindicated It is assumed that erection medications could make these conditions worse.

  • Contraindication in case of incompatible drug therapy

In combination with other drugs called “nitrates” or “nitrogen monoxide donors”, sildenafil is contraindicated. These drugs are prescribed for angina pectoris. If combined with sildenafil or erection medications, the risk of blood pressure drop is significant. In addition, some recreational drugs, such as poppers, have the same effect. Be careful.

Do not use sildenafil in the presence of the following conditions:

    • cardiac, renal, hepatic diseases
    • recently experienced stroke (less than 6 months ago)
    • ulcers of the stomach or duodenum
    • degenerative eye diseases like NAION
    • priapism (prolonged or painful erections in medical history)
    • Peyronie’s disease (scarring or deformity of the penis)
    • blood cell diseases (sickle cell disease, anemia, leukemia)
    • unstable or high blood pressure.